Sessions with the Wolverine - Part Six

by Khaki, Loki, and 2280

Jubilee went to the danger room. This special room, designated for *special* training, was kept secret from the younger students. It had been one of the best days of her life when Scott Summers, leader of the X-Men, had introduced her to it.

It meant she wasn't a kid anymore. Well, she had thought that at the moment, at least. The school staff still acted as if she was a kid most of the time, but being allowed to use the special facilities, the Danger Room, was a priviledge she always cherished.

A few stiches on a leg would not stop her from exercising that priviledge.

She came in and checked the possible scenarios available for her training. Robots, aliens, anti-mutant mobs... Quite boring in fact. Jubilee pushed a few buttons, not really caring about the adversarial selections, but made sure to set the training session to the lowest level. That meant she would face a small number of non-lethal forces.

Tired of waiting for Scott to get to the observation room (besides, it was a level 1 session so nothing bad could happen), she went in and got prepared to meet her imaginary adversaries.

The room's features changed into a war zone. Debris everywhere, strewn around the ground, would make her moving around a bit hazardous given her already overtaxed leg.

She sighed. 'Next time, 'member to pay attention when you choose the scenario, Jubes,' she admonished herself.

She made her way to the side of the room, already exhausted by trying to spare her leg. That's when the enemies appeared: a mutant-hating mob wearing battlesuits.

Jubilee shook her head in disgust. 'Hope Wolverine doesn't see this program,' she thought. 'Naw. He wouldn't use the lowest settin'. Too dangerous for... his macho reputation!'

The enemies slowly spread out, circling her hiding place. She knew she had to fight them, but all of them, even if there were only 3 of them, were to much for her now. She opted on trying to take them one by one, instead. She had that before and knew she could.

She slowly retreated backwards, keeping her eyes on the guys all the time. Oops, they spotted her. Time to run!

She ran to hide behind a half-collapsed wall and catch her breath. Gee, she should not have come here while wounded, even slightly. She couldn't run as fast as usual.

Usually, the bad guys' weapons weren't a threat and everyone could avoid them easily if you could run. Which, for now, she was almost incapable of doing.

So when the rocket flew towards the wall, she couldn't run fast enough. She barely had time to notice it, screaming and jumping away, but not fast enough.


He heard the scream.

They heard it as well.

Logan ran into Scott on his way to the Danger Room. Scott got the wind knocked out of him. Wolverine, not giving a s***, entered the Danger Room while the staggering Summers made his way up to the control room.

All that Logan had to do was to turn off the simulation. Simple enough. He could smell Jubilee somewhere at the far end of the room, but then some men caught his attention. Logan fidgeted.


Soldiers. Weapons. SNIKT.

They turned to him and aimed.

GROWL They were going to pay for what they'd done to him.

As he prepared to jump and make carnage out of these bastards, he heard a whimper. They probably held someone else, besides him. Probably had tortured that person as well.


"He isn't helping Jubilee. Ororo, get in there and get her out," ordered Scott. "I'll turn this thing off."

"No," cut in Claire, who had followed the X-Men.

"What is she doing in here?" yelled Scott, now worried that an outsider had witnessed some of the most secret installations of the mansion.

"Scott, we'll clarify that later. For now, no one intervene in that... that room," ordered Dr. Richards.

"You better have a good reason. Jubilee's in trouble down there. And that... that nutso won't even look at her!" yelled Scott as he pointed at Logan.

"All I ask you is to give him 2 minutes," said Claire, watching the events unfolding in the danger room.

"That's not a reason. I'm shutting it down now," cut in Scott.

~Scott. Do as Dr. Richards asks you.~ came Xavier's mind-voice.


They were after him. He had just escaped, and they were chasing him like an animal. He had no weapon. He was naked. But he wasn't defeated yet. He would make them pay for all he had endured.


He thrashed his head around for a split second to locate the voice. The soldiers still walked towards him.

"I think my leg's broken," continued Jubilee.

He didn't move, watching the soldiers closing on him. Oh, they were going to suffer!

"I'm bleedin'... I... Logan, help me?"

That voice. He'd heard it before. It reminded him of someone, someone who didn't hurt him, actually.

Slowly moving backwards to the now completly collapsed wall, not turning his back to the soldiers, he reached the place where the voice was coming from.

"Ok, Logan. It's me, Jubilee. I got... I know, should've waited for Cyclops... anyway... care to give me hand?"

He turned slightly, ever aware of the soldiers almost circling him now, and looked down at the girl struggling among the debris. He knew her, but who was she? Jubilee she said...

"Jubilee?" he asked, unsure.

"First prize, mister.... Huh... how about you get me out of here?"


Up in the control room, many people watched as Logan carried Jubilee in his arms out of the room, not caring about the simulated anti-mutants.

Dr. Claire Richards smiled. It was a little victory to be sure, for everyone.

But now, it was way past time for a talk.


When Logan exited the danger room, he was surrounded by people. Clutching the girl to his chest, he slowly backed away from them, growling low.

"Logan," the red-haired woman stepped forward, hands out and open, voice slow and calming. "It's ok. Let us help Jubilee."

Her voice was familiar, too. Studying her face, realization dawned on him and the hallucination melted away. He wasn't naked, outside the laboratory anymore. There weren't any soldiers trying to recapture him. He was in the basement of the mansion and they were his friends. Looking down at the person is his arms, he recognized Jubilee.


"Hey, Wolvie. Welcome back." Her voice was filled with pain, and he could smell the blood on her. She was injured. Please, God, don't let it be because of him.

"Did... did I... who hurt you, Jubes?"

Seeing the worry and guilt on his face, she quickly answered, "It's my own fault. I should've waited for Mr. Summers before I started in the danger room. You didn't do anything but help me out... Ya know, I think I'd really like to go to the Med Lab now."

"Oh... yeah." Logan said, turning to carry her to the med lab with Jean close behind.

Once he got Jubilee settled, he left again. He had to sort out what was happening to him, so he rode the elevator to the first floor and walked out towards the woods.


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